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Saturday 11 March 2017

Instant Writing, by Peter, Andrea, Tony and others

The idea of "Instant writing" is that you are given a sentence chosen at random from a book, and you then have to write immediately a short passage starting with these words. The important thing is that there must be no time for thought. It's amazing what can emerge!
   We played this game at our meeting last month. Here are some specimens of what was produced:- 

No, I don't know what became of Pickman and I don't like to guess. He was a sinister character with some very bizarre hobbies. Whenever we met, which wasn't very often, he'd drop dark hints of what he'd been doing recently: no real details, you understand; just enough to make me feel really alarmed for his safety. And now he's disappeared. Did someone shoot him, or was it something far worse? I wonder if the police will ever find a body?

"No, I don't know what became of Pickman and I don't like to guess", I said. That should have laid the subject, if not Pickman, thoroughly rest.
   Of course, Benson thought otherwise. "I know exactly what happened to him, and I'll tell you".
   We all groaned and pretended an interest in our rare meat, but he went rabbiting on for an interminable time: right through to the final glass of port he did his best to send us off to sleep. 

It takes enormous energy to tell lies. It wasn't a practical solution, but it was believable. I'm sure in some way a good outcome would come forth, though judging by the final chaos I could not believe the noises of the machines. Nodding up and down like the head of a melancholy elephant, it was approaching its great pushrod, making an alarming fssh as it rammed its piston home. That was the last thing I saw: that and him jumping off the shanabang. Not a sight I thought I'd see at at that stage. It was dark and moonlit, and not the sort of scenario you'd expect if you wanted to die.

It takes enormous energy to tell lies. For instance, when I went to the shops the other day I intended to buy a jacket for myself, but instead I found a book I liked and so I spent the money on that instead. I then faced the problem of how to smuggle it back into the house without my wife finding it. A very large book, you see. It was easy enough to say I hadn't found a jacket I liked, which was true in a sense, but how to account for the book? That would be much more difficult.

An excitable figure with two extra limbs and the head of an ant darted in front of them. Bloody country. Bloody flies. Hang on; that was no fly! Do I stop? Nah, I'll get all bloody. Shit, I'll have to stop: it's all over the windscreen and clogging up the windows terribly. What's that bloody smell? If I drive a bit quicker I'll get away from it.

An excitable figure with two extra limbs and the head of an ant darted in front of them. 
  "Stop! Stop!" It shouted, "Can you give me a lift? It's very urgent!"
   "Don't take any notice", Mike told me. "We're hallucinating. I told you this would happen".

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