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Wednesday 9 October 2024

Blessing from Brigid, by Bethany Rivers


Blessing from Brigid –
“May your voice unfold like a velvet robe,
like foxglove leaves or heartsease.  May your song
colour the hushing sunsets off your favourite coast;
feathering away the edges of the horizon.
May your ink-well be oak rooted: let your brush
dip and fly; susurrate in the swooping tail-flow
of red kites.  May the wooden flute play
high luting melodies to cleanse your mind,
let the double bass vibrate, gyrate your hips
into figure of eights.  May rainbows waterfall
through your thirsty heart, drink the cocktail
of sun and rain.  May your mind be ignited
with lightning sparks.  Come join the dance
of moonbeams and fire-fairies; daisy link your ancestors
to your new born in the dark: this is the thread
from which we weave our songs of hope, of pain and of poetry."

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